Girl on the Mattress, Mattress Reviews, Mattress Girl

nesli (girl) on the mattress :p

Hi everyone! I’m Nesli, Girl on the Mattress.

I believe great sleep is the foundation of a great life. So my goal here is to help you sleep better and smarter by finding the best mattresses & sleep products for the fairest prices.

I’m by no means a professional reviewer, but I know what I like and what I don’t. I also do thorough research to make sure I’m not just outlining my own personal feelings (although I’ve been told the most personal is also the most universal).

When going through my reviews, it’s good to remember to keep everything in perspective. I’m just one person with strong opinions about sleep. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

1. I like things simple.

I don’t like complicated words so I always write the review from my perspective. I try and include the basics while making sure the technicalities are explained in the easiest way possible. I know not everyone has time to go through in-depth reviews, so I prefer outlining the key points to help you make an informed decision without having to spend 10 hours doing research.

2. Most people have different standards.

When going through reviews, I always strive to be as objective as possible. Of course, every review is based on my experience and my own preferences. You may have a different opinion about memory foam, innersprings or latex mattresses – and that’s fine! You’re welcome to disagree with my assessment and look for another mattress you feel is a better match for your taste. Also, if you disagree with me, I’ll always welcome your feedback in the comments!

3. Always do your own research.

Knowing the type of mattress you need means getting to know your own sleeping habits and preferences. This is important, so you can accurately pick a mattress you would be happy with in the long run, or at least the most likely candidate to give you a more enjoyable sleep. Doing proper research about the different materials as well as supplementing them with knowledge of your personal preferences will be your best bet towards finding the best mattress for you.

4. Seek out other reviews.

Pointing you to a different review might seem like bad blogger advice but I think it’s essential for any consumer to check out various reviews as much as possible. Reading different reviews will give you a much better picture of what the bed is really like. Mattress industry is getting a bit chaotic and confusing, it’s difficult to decide who and what to believe. Make your own research, don’t believe everything you read or watch. I definitely suggest you to check out as they are very knowledgeable and honest about the mattresses and companies.

5. You can always reach me if you have questions.

Finally, if you have any questions or clarifications about anything in my reviews, want more in-depth info or simply want to pillow-talk, you can always reach out to me at and I’ll do my best to help you out.